
Using the site to view .msg/.eml files, or to convert .msg to .eml is pretty straightforward. The interface has three sections:

  1. Raw text input field.
  2. File upload field.
  3. Upload button.

The raw text input field is used only to paste MIME data from the source of an .eml file. It applies in the cases when you have access to the source files of your mail system and you would like to preview a given message. For example, if you review the mail folder in the root of a cPanel control panel, then you will find your messages stored in files with long, ugly names. You can open such a message in the file manager, copy its source, and paste it in the text field.

The “File upload field” will allow you to browse your local file system and choose an .eml/.msg file for upload and processing.

You can submit data only to one of the fields (text or file)

The Upload button is self-explanatory. It sends the submitted data to the server for processing.

The processed message will look as follows:

The top section lists some header data (Return-path, Subject, From, To, CC, and BCC).
Links to the attachments will be listed below it (if any).
There is a button to show/hide the full headers of the message if you need to inspect them.
The next section shows the actual message body.

The screenshot is from a processed MSG file. That’s why it includes a button to download the .msg message, converted to .eml. If you submit an .eml file, then this button won’t be displayed.
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